St. George Cathedral Services & Events

Sunday, February 12, 2012

St. George's

Pancake & Waffle Supper!

Tuesday Feb. 21st from 5pm to 7pm

Come one and all, and bring your friends and neighbors

$4.00 donation
Sign up in the Narthex or the Parish Hall

Mardi Gras Supper & Celebration

Saturday Feb 18th
Supper & Celebration!

POTLUCK SUPPER starting around 6:15pm after the 5pm Mass.

Sign up in the Narthex or Parish Hall

Join in the fun ... bring some Cajun or Creole dish to make it more authentic ... or whatever you would like to share! 

Lent is beginning tomorrow, so lets party this Fat Tuesday!!! (Note: you don't have to be fat to participate in Fat Tuesday!)