St. George Cathedral Services & Events

Friday, November 23, 2012

December "Advent Season" Calendar

Mark your calendar now and be a part of these special events during the Advent Season at St. Georges Anglican Church!

November 29th - Life Line Health Screenings 9am to 5pm - info available in the Narthex to call for appointment
December 2nd  - Advent 1 - Mass on Saturday 5pm and Sunday at 8 and 10:30am
December 9th   - Advent 2 - Mass on Saturday 5pm and Sunday at 8 and 10:30am
December 13th - Home Safety Meeting Thursday 10am - Tips & Info from Metro Crime Commission
December 16thAdvent 3 "Rose Sunday" - Mass on Saturday 5pm and Sunday at 8 and 10:30am
December 23rd - Advent 4 - Mass on Saturday 5pm and Sunday at 8 and 10:30am
December 23rd - 3pm - A "NEW" Nine Lessons & Carols Program presented by the choir
December 24th - CHRISTMAS EVE Mass
              5:30pm  Traditional English Family Mass with Blessing of Creche
             10:30pm Traditional English Christmas Eve High Mass with Choir
December 25th - CHRISTMAS DAY Mass
December 30th -  1st Sunday After Christmas - Mass on Saturday 5pm and Sunday at 8 and 10:30am

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Upcoming Events at St. George for October and November!

Confirmation Classes - Sundays @ 9:00am - Classes are now in progress in preparation for Bishop Grudorf's visit on October 28th - Anyone wishing to be confirmed should attend the classes being offered Sundays at 9:00am in the Parish Hall - there is still time before the Bishops visit.

Blessing of the Animals - Saturday October 6th @ 9:00am - bring your furry or whatever friends to be blessed. Please invite your friends and neighbors. NEW pet food donations and monetary donations will be collected for the Humane Society.

Oktoberfest Supper - Saturday October 20 @ 6:10pm (right after the 5:00pm service) - Dinner Tickets $5 each - Beer & Wine $1 each - Come join us for grilled Bratwurst and Knockwurst, German Hot Potato Salad, Sauerkraut and more! - Look for details and sign-up sheets in the church and parish hall. Be sure to invite a friend and/or neighbor (especially those looking for a church home).

New Member Reception following each Mass - Saturday October 27th and Sunday October 28th - Let Father Art know if you want to make your church membership official during a service on one of these days! Come greet Bishop Grundorf who will be with us on Sunday for Confirmations.

Marion Civic Chorale presents a Patriotic Concert at St. George "SALUTE TO VETERANS" - Saturday November 3rd from 3:00pm to 4:00pm - Come enjoy a wonderful afternoon concert of your favorite patriotic songs right here at St. Georges! FREE CONCERT w/ LOVE OFFERING.

Annual Parish Meeting and Potluck Breakfast - Sunday November 4th at 9:15am - It is important that you join us as we look back at 2012 and plan for 2013 - bring something yummy to share and please participate in deciding the future of our congregation.

Veterans Day Brunch after Mass - Sunday November 11 at 12:15pm - Join us for brunch and honor our Vets! Please bring toiletry items to donate to the local "Vets Helping Vets" organization! - FREE BRUNCH - DONATIONS WELCOME to benefit programs at St. George.

Thanksgiving Mass and Dinner - Wednesday November 21 @6:10pm - Dinner tickets $5 each - The church provides the Turkey, Mashed Potatoes, Cranberry Relish, and Iced Tea. Donations can be made for other beverages - You are encouraged to bring side dishes and desserts to share. Please bring friends especially people who may be alone during this holiday. Please use the sign-up sheet at the church and parish hall so we can better anticipate how many people to prepare food for.

Live Line Health Screening - Thursday November 29th @ 9:00am to 5:00pm - watch for a future bulletin insert with the phone number to call for an appointment.


Sunday, February 12, 2012

St. George's

Pancake & Waffle Supper!

Tuesday Feb. 21st from 5pm to 7pm

Come one and all, and bring your friends and neighbors

$4.00 donation
Sign up in the Narthex or the Parish Hall

Mardi Gras Supper & Celebration

Saturday Feb 18th
Supper & Celebration!

POTLUCK SUPPER starting around 6:15pm after the 5pm Mass.

Sign up in the Narthex or Parish Hall

Join in the fun ... bring some Cajun or Creole dish to make it more authentic ... or whatever you would like to share! 

Lent is beginning tomorrow, so lets party this Fat Tuesday!!! (Note: you don't have to be fat to participate in Fat Tuesday!)

Sunday, December 11, 2011

December 18th @ 3pm - NINE LESSONS & CAROLS

Join us for the Festival of

A marvelous tradition at St. George! Come prepare for this special season with scripture and song!

One of the most important parts of our preparation for Christmas is being part of the Festival of Nine Lessons and Carols as we prepare for the festivities around our celebration of the birth of Christ. This is a quite contemplation of what Christmas is all about, and everyone is welcome to be a part of this old English Tradition!


Saturday, August 13, 2011

APA and ACA have Inter-Communion Agreement

July 19, 2011
APA Approves Inter-Communion Agreement with ACA

On July 15, 2011, at its Seventh Provincial Synod, meeting in Dunwoody, Georgia, the Anglican Province of America (APA) approved a resolution endorsing an inter-communion agreement with the Anglican Church in America (ACA). The three dioceses of the APA had previously endorsed the same.

The preamble of the inter-communion documents, in part, reads, "That this preliminary document will serve as a catalyst for the eventual reconciliation of our two jurisdictions, that it will encourage other continuing jurisdictions to seek greater unity and that it will bring to fruition the unity of purpose that God clearly intends for his people."

The next step to formalize this agreement will be taken when the ACA meets in its General Synod in September 2011 and considers ratification of the same. The four dioceses of the ACA have already considered and approved inter-communion between the two jurisdictions. The Rt. Rev. Brian R. Marsh, Presiding Bishop of the ACA, issued a statement saying, "The APA action reaffirmed what we have known in both bodies for a number of years, that in Christ and in each other, we are one Church, one body. I applaud Bishop Grundorf and the Synod of the APA for their actions to which I am sure we will respond in kind in September."