St. George Cathedral Services & Events

Saturday, August 13, 2011

APA and ACA have Inter-Communion Agreement

July 19, 2011
APA Approves Inter-Communion Agreement with ACA

On July 15, 2011, at its Seventh Provincial Synod, meeting in Dunwoody, Georgia, the Anglican Province of America (APA) approved a resolution endorsing an inter-communion agreement with the Anglican Church in America (ACA). The three dioceses of the APA had previously endorsed the same.

The preamble of the inter-communion documents, in part, reads, "That this preliminary document will serve as a catalyst for the eventual reconciliation of our two jurisdictions, that it will encourage other continuing jurisdictions to seek greater unity and that it will bring to fruition the unity of purpose that God clearly intends for his people."

The next step to formalize this agreement will be taken when the ACA meets in its General Synod in September 2011 and considers ratification of the same. The four dioceses of the ACA have already considered and approved inter-communion between the two jurisdictions. The Rt. Rev. Brian R. Marsh, Presiding Bishop of the ACA, issued a statement saying, "The APA action reaffirmed what we have known in both bodies for a number of years, that in Christ and in each other, we are one Church, one body. I applaud Bishop Grundorf and the Synod of the APA for their actions to which I am sure we will respond in kind in September."

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